South Africa has a rising market with a huge amount of
natural resources, on top of that they have a stock exchange that is the 17th largest in the world.
South Africa have famous depositories in gold and diamonds, these depositories contain large amounts of gold and diamonds. South Africa also has large supplies in chromite, copper, coal, iron ore, platinum, manganese, silver and uranium. Oil has never been found in South Africa although oil has been produces from coal. South Africa also deposites natural gasses near the countries shore.
Although South Africa seems to have a rich variety of recources they lack some other natural resources; only a third of South Africa recieves enough rain to grow crops easily. South Africa also has poor forest resources.
South Africas economic sectors which employ the most people are:-
-Community, Government and Personal Resources
Number of People: 3 450 000
-Trade, Restaurants and Hotels
Number of People: 2 451 000
Number of People: 1 634 000
South Africas largest/most important industry would have to be Gold and Diamond mining, this industry is favouring the labour-instensive category as people are hired to excavate gold and diamonds, generally with very little pay. (link to a clearer picture)
These statistics shown above show the advanced technology used in South Africa, it shows how South Africa compares to other parts of Africa and the world. South Africa seems to be reasonably advanced with it's technology when compared to the world (which includes countries highly advanced with technology including Japan and America).
South Africa is mainly mixed economy although it tends to be more of a Market Economy, this means that the consumers tend to make most of the descisions for the country.
Although economic growth has improved in South Africa, the growth has left many people jobless, yet a quicker growth is still needed. The South African Government estimates that the economy must grow at least an average of 4.5% until 2010 and 6% evary year after to reach its goal of hoping to halve the high levels of unemployment, estimated roughly around 26.5% by 2014.
With South Africas goal to boost economic growth further, and to increase job creation, the government has decided to set seperate goals to develop specific regions, and trying to also work to encourage the people developing small, medium, and micro buisnesses.
Western Australia compared to South Africa shows huge differences in it's economy , for instance the unemployment in South Africa is extremely high, roughly 24.3%, and is seen as one of the worst problems facing the government; when compared to Western Australia there is a 19.9% differance, and unemployment is one of the problems the government is least concerned
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