Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jack The Ripper-Francis Tumblety

Jack the Ripper was a name given to a murderer who was considered to be the first ever serial killer of the modern era. Jack the Ripper horrified many people who lived in the city of London in Autumn 1888.
Jack the Ripper would always kill, but right before he was in the hands of the police. To this day Jack The Ripper still has no real identity and many people go to extraordinary lengths to try and solve this case and to finally put it to rest.

Dr Francis Tumblety born in 1830, was considered to be one of the main suspects in the JAck the Ripper Case, Francis Tumblety was a irish-American raised in Rochester, New York, where he later self educated himself as a homeopathic physician at the Hahneman Hospital or now better known as the Highland Hospital. Francis was the youngest of eleven siblings. Francis He earnt a small earning by claiming to be an 'Indian Herb' Doctor, he travelled across the US and Canada occasionally even Europe aswell. Francis was often said to be a misogynist, someone who hates woman, he was also connected to the deaths of some of his patients, it is unknown whether these deaths were deliberate or not, but still the authorities charged him anyway. Francis was known to have dark hair, and dressed in the latest fashion.

Francis know doubt would of had to have some local knowldege of the East End of London where all the murders were commited. Francis had travelled to London before meaning he could have had enough knowlege to get around the city alone without getting lost. Leading surgeons during the time of the murders all concluded that a small amount of anatomical knowledge would have been required to remove the organs in very little light. It also happened to be that Francis spent some time studying with a doctor in Rochester. During the times of the murders forensic investigation knowledge was very little, which meant it was almost impossible to prove a link to the killer and the victims. The only way was if the killer was caught whilst in action or owned up his self. The 'Ripper' letters were apparently written by the murderer and then sent to the media, only a person with an education and who had access to the stationary could write the letters, convincingly Francis Tumblety could do both. The murders came to a halt on the 24th of November, it just happpened to be that Francis Tumblety fled England on that very day. When the authorities disscovered he had left the country a Scotland Yard detective was sent to follow him to and around America.

Francis Tumblety was in London during the times of the murders; After travelling to London before he would of gained local knowledge of the area. Francis had no relation to any of the victms, but we cant just suspect that he didn't. Francis also was known to despise prostitiutes, especially after marrying one without knowing. Francis even had a collection of female wombs, which he often showed to guests.

Francis Tumblety was a perfectly healthy man, both physically and mentally, he had a habit of using various aliases, one even betraying him, he had him arrested in America for trying to plot to assasinate President Lincoln.

All Jack the Ripper victims were female prostitutes. Francis Tumblety as written earlier mistakenly married a prostitute, but later found her with a 'client'. He was also known having a hatred for women. Maybe Jack the Ripper was trying to get back at his ex-wife? or maybe he wanted to 'clean' the earth free of 'unworthy' women? or Was it purely from the hatred of women? Francis Tumblety died on the 20th of May1903.

31st August 1888-3.40am-Body of Mary Nichols discovered-Bucks Row

8th September 1888-5.30 - 6.00am-Annie Chapman murdered

27th September 1888-A letter is received at the Central News Agency, It is signed

30th September 1888-A double murder, two women killed within an hour
1 am-Elizabeth Strides body is found
1.45 am-Catherine Eddowes body is found-Mitre Square

6th October 1888-The Central News Agency are sent a second letter from Jack the Ripper

16th October 1888 The president of the Whitechappel vigilance committee receives a letter
and half a human kidney said to be from Catharine Eddowes body.

9th November 1888-Mary Kelly an Irish girl is murdered-Dorset Street, Spitalfields
